Meno: | Zuzana |
Priezvisko: | Skubeňová |
Názov: | A Practical Grammar-Based Index for Finding Approximate Longest Common Substrings |
Vedúci: | Mgr. Adrián Goga |
Rok: | 2024 |
Kµúčové slová: | longest common substring, compressed text index, repetitive data |
Abstrakt: | In this thesis, we implement a preliminary version of the ALCS index data structure. This data structure finds an approximately longest common substring of any pattern P and text T. Then, we evaluate this data structure on data of covid genomes sequences. |
Súbory bakalárskej práce:
Praca.pdf | |
Súbory prezentácie na obhajobe:
skubenova_obhajoby.pdf |