Názov:A tool for visualizing software requirements traceability
Vedúci:RNDr. Jana Kostičová, PhD.
Kµúčové slová:software requirements traceability, visualization tool, software engineering education, graph-based interface, IT project management
Abstrakt:This bachelor thesis presents the development of a visualization tool for soft- ware requirements traceability, designed to support the education of software engineering principles at Comenius University. The tool addresses the chal- lenges of tracing software requirements throughout the development process, a key factor in the high failure rates of IT projects due to poorly defined or untraceable requirements. By developing a graph-based interface, the tool allows users to visually trace the derivation and allocation paths of require- ments, enhancing understanding and management of software specifications. This contributes to more effective learning and application of software devel- opment principles, potentially reducing the risks associated with requirement mismanagement.

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