Meno: | Marek
Priezvisko: | Petrik
Názov: | Learning Parallel Portfolios of Algorithms
Vedúci: | RNDr. Mikular Popper
Rok: | 2005
Blok: | UI
Kµúčové slová: | AI, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Vapnik-Chervonenkis, Markov Decision Process, Portfolios
Abstrakt: | I present Parallel Portfolios of Algorithms (PPA) as an approach to enhance the performance of algorithms. The main idea is to execute several algorithms for the same problem concurrently. I show how to determine the optimal execution schedules of PPA with regard to a sample set of instances. I also provide theoretical distribution-free bounds for generalization probability, and a practical evaluation on SAT problem. In the SAT domain, PPA turned out to be generally 2 times as fast as the fastest algorithm in the portfolio.