Meno: | Attila
Priezvisko: | Mészáros
Názov: | Code Generation from AML to Jadex
Vedúci: | Mgr. Radovan Červenka, PhD
Rok: | 2010
Blok: | INF
Kµúčové slová: | Code generation, AML, Jadex, mapping, XMI.
Abstrakt: | In this work we implement a code generator that produces source code from AML models to an agent development framework, based on DBI software model, called Jadex. We define a mapping from AML to Jadex, and introduce a simple extension to AML that allows to generate high detailed source code. We provide implementation of code generation using Acceleo engine, following a very flexible approach that enables realization of code generation independently
from CASE tools, using XMI files.