Meno: | Ondrej
Priezvisko: | Mikuláą
Názov: | Visual navigation of mobile robot
Vedúci: | RNDr. Andrej Lúčny, PhD.
Rok: | 2013
Blok: | INF
Kµúčové slová: | computer vision, cognitive vision, artificial cognitive system, robotics
Abstrakt: | In this thesis we study visual navigation control of mobile robot. We are using
Agent-Space architecture [Lúčny, 2004] that is considered to be suitable for simulation of living systems. In our work we demonstrate, that navigation control can
be realized by using ordinary camera and actuators with no additional sensors. We
used feature of this architecture which enables combination of several behaviors to
complex system in which they cooperate.
Overall our work resulted in application which perform navigation in the straight
corridor and in the junction of corridors.