Meno: | Askar
Priezvisko: | Gafurov
Názov: | Probabilistic Models for Genome Assembly with Chromatin Interaction Frequencies
Vedúci: | doc. Mgr. Bronislava Brejová, PhD.
Rok: | 2018
Blok: | INF
Kµúčové slová: | Genome assembly, maximum likelihood, probabilistic modeling, Hi-C, chromatin interaction frequencies, GAML
Abstrakt: | In this paper we have addressed the task of genome assembly using the data of chro-
matin interactions (Hi-C). Inspired by the work of Kaplan and Dekker [1], we have
proposed our own probabilistic model for Hi-C data, suited specifically for the GAML
framework for genome assembly [2]. As the original GAML implementation was a
prototype not meant to be extended, we have reimplemented most of its features in
the second implementation, called GAML2, and then added our model and algorithms
to process Hi-C data. We have shown that our implementation of GAML is able to
perform better with Hi-C data available.