EATCS is an international organization founded in 1972. Its aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and results among theoretical computer scientists as well as to stimulate cooperation between the theoretical and the practical community in computer science.
Its activities are coordinated by the Council of EATCS, out of which a President, Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary are elected. Policy guidelines are determined by the Council and the General Assembly of EATCS. This assembly is scheduled to take place during the annual International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), the conference of EATCS.
Benefits offered by EATCS include:
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ICALP is an international conference covering all aspects of theoretical computer science and now customarily taking place during the second or third week of July.
Typical topics discussed during recent ICALP conferences are: computability, automata theory, formal language theory, analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, mathematical aspects of programming language definition, logic and semantics of programming languages, foundations of logic programming, theorem proving, software specification, computational geometry, data types and data structures, theory of data bases and knowledge based systems, cryptography, VLSI structures, parallel and distributed computing, models of concurrency and robotics.
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Three issues of the Bulletin are published annually appearing in February, June and October respectively.
The Bulletin is a medium for rapid publication and wide distribution of material such as:
Contributions to any of the above areas are solicited. All written contributions should be sent to the Bulletin Editor:
Prof.Dr. G. RozenbergDeadlines for submissions to reach the Bulletin Editor are: January 15, May 15 and September 15 for the February, June and October issue respectively.
All pictures (preferably black and white) including text of what they are showing should be sent to the Picture Editor:
Prof.Dr. M. KudlekDeadlines are 2 weeks before those for written contributions, indicated above.
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This is a series of monographs published by Springer-Verlag and launched during ICALP 1984; more than 30 volumes appeared over 10 years. The series includes monographs in all areas of theoretical computer science, such as the areas considered for ICALPs. Books published in this series present original research or material of interest to the research community and graduate students. Each volume is normally a uniform monograph rather than a compendium of articles. The series also contains high-level presentations of special topics. Nevertheless, as research and teaching usually go hand in hand, these volumes may still be useful as textbooks, too. Text published in this series are intended mostly for the graduate level. Typically, an undergraduate background in computer science is assumed. However, the background required may vary from topic to topic, and some books may be self-contained. The texts cover both modern and classical areas with an innovative approach that may give them additional value as monographs. Most books in this series will have examples and exercises.
The editors of the series are W. Brauer (Munich), G. Rozenberg (Leiden), and A. Salomaa (Turku). Potential authors should contact one of the editors. The advisory board consists of G. Ausiello (Rome), S. Even (Haifa), J. Hartmanis (Ithaca), N. Jones (Copenhagen), M. Nivat (Paris), C. Papadimitriou (Athens and San Diego), and D. Scott (Pittsburgh).
EATCS Monographs and Texts is a very important EATCS activity and its success depends largely on our members. If you are a potential author or know one please contact one of the editors.
An EATCS member can purchase books from the series with 25% discount. Your order should be sent to:
Prof.Dr. G. Rozenbergwho after acknowledging your EATCS membership forwards the order for further processing to Springer Verlag -- they handle the whole matter further on.
Updated information about the series can be obtained from the publisher, Springer-Verlag.
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The journal Theoretical Computer Science, founded in 1975, is published by Elsevier Science Publishers, currently in 17 volumes (34 issues) a year.
Its contents are mathematical and abstract in spirit, but it derives
its motivation from practical and everyday computation. Its aim is to understand
the nature of computation and, as a consequence of this understanding,
provide more efficient methodologies. All kinds of papers, introducing
or studying mathematical, logical and formal concepts and methods are welcome,
provided that their motivation is clearly drawn from the field of computing.
Papers published in TCS are grouped in two sections according to
their nature. One section, ``Algorithms, automata, complexity and games'',
is devoted to the study of algorithms and their complexity using analytical,
combinatorial or probabilistic methods. It includes the whole fields of
abstract complexity (i.e., all the results about the hierarchies that can
be defined using Turing machines), of automata and language theory (including
automata on infinite words and infinitary languages), of geometrical (graphic)
applications and of system performance using statistical models.
A subsection is the Mathematical Games Section, which is devoted to the
mathematical and computational analysis of games.
The other section, ``Logic, semantics and theory of programming'', is devoted to formal methods to check properties of programs of implement formally described languages; it contains all papers dealing with semantics of sequential and parallel programming languages. All formal methods treating these problems are published in this section, including rewriting techniques, abstract data types, automatic theorem proving, calculi such as SCP or CCS, Petri nets, new logic calculi and developments in categorical methods.
The editor-in-chief of Theoretical Computer Science is:
Prof.M. NivatPlease contact the Secretary of EATCS:
Branislav RovanThe dues are DM 45.-- (or US$ 33.-) for a period of one year. If the
initial membership payment is received in the period December 21 -- April
20, April 21 -- August 20 or August 21 -- December 20, then the first membership
year will start on June 1, October 1 or February 1, respectively. Every
contribution payment continues the membership for the same time period.
Additional fee of DM 24.- (or US$ 18.-) is required for ensuring the air
mail delivery of the EATCS Bulletin outside Europe.
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To join, send the annual dues, or a multiple thereof (to cover a number of years), to the Treasurer of EATCS:
Prof.Dr. D. JanssensMembership application form, to print and mail to the Treasurer.
The dues can be paid (in order of preference) by VISA or EUROCARD/MASTERCARD
credit card, by cheques in DM or US$, cheques in other currency, DM or
US$ cash, or other currency cash. When submitting your payment, please
make sure to indicate your complete name and address.
Transfers of larger amounts may be made via the following bank account,
on the condition that an additional DM 8.-- (or US$ 6.-) is paid for each
transfer to cover the bank charges. If you use this way of payment, please
send the necessary information (reason for the payment, name and address)
to the treasurer. Our account is:
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