/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Write and test the following queries --------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* 1. Find the number of employees who work in Dallas. */ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT e.empno) FROM emp e, dept d WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno and d.location = 'Dallas'; /* 2. Find the average salary of employees who work in Dallas. */ /* 3. For each department, including departments with no employees, find the sum of salaries of all employees who work in that department. */ /* 4. Find departments (deptno) with more than 3 employees. */ /* 5. For each department, find the number of analysts who work in that department. */ /* 6. Find the jobs with the maximal standard deviation of salaries. */ /* 7. Find tuples [D, J, Sum, Average] which, for each pair [D, J], state the sum of salaries and average salary of employees who work in department D and do job J. */ /* 8. Find tuples [Y, N], where N is number of employees hired in the year Y (the resuslt contains only years when an employee was hired) */ /* 9. For each year since 1990, find number of employees hired in that year (the resuslt must contain also years when no employee was hired). Hint: use PostgreSQL function generate_series(). */ /* 10. For each employee, find the number of subordinates (both direct and indirect) of that employee. Include employees with no subordinates. */