Michal Rjaško


Databases practicum, winter 2023/2024

Michal Rjaško, rjasko at dcs.fmph.uniba.sk
Ján Mazák, M255, mazak at dcs.fmph.uniba.sk


There will be three homeworks published here. The first homework will be published after 4th lesson.

Lesson 3


Lesson 2


Lesson 1


Datalog on server cvika


For each of the 3 homework assignments, there is a max. 30 points.

Additional points are obtained for solving exersises from lessons: 0 or 1 point for each of the 12 lessons. From the points awarded for lesson exercises, it is necessary to obtain at least 9 to successfully complete the course.

Within 3 days after each lesson, solutions must be sent by e-mail to the address rjasko (at) dcs.fmph.uniba.sk. Subsequently, the solutions will be briefly evaluated: in case of sufficiency, 1 point will be awarded, in case of insufficiency, the student will be asked to supplement the solution (if he submitted at least something meaningful), for which he has another 3 days, and then he will receive a final evaluation.

Not all exercises need to be solved; it is neccessary to have solved (at least somehow correctly) about 40% of the exercises from each topic. If the set of exercises is more extensive, they are usually at least approximately in order of difficulty; if you want to solve a minimum of exercises, choose some more demanding ones from the second half. The recommended procedure is to go in order and skip exercises where it is clear that you already know how to solve them (eg they are similar to already solved exercises and you can see what the difference is and how to deal with it).